Module Mysql8

This module provides access to MySQL databases, roughly following the C API

Database connections

Opening a connection

type dbd

database connection handle

type db = {
host : string option;

database server host

name : string option;

database name

port : int option;


pwd : string option;

user password

user : string option;

database user

socket : string option;

unix socket path


Login information for a database. Use None for default values

val defaults : db

Login information using all defaults

type protocol =
type db_option =
| OPT_PROTOCOL of protocol

Connect timeout in seconds


The timeout in seconds for attempts to read from the server. Each attempt uses this timeout value and there are retries if necessary, so the total effective timeout value is three times the option value.


The timeout in seconds for attempts to write to the server. Each attempt uses this timeout value and there are net_retry_count retries if necessary, so the total effective timeout value is net_retry_count times the option value.

| INIT_COMMAND of string

Read options from the named option file instead of from my.cnf.


Read options from the named group

| SET_CHARSET_DIR of string

The path name to the directory that contains character set definition files.

| SET_CHARSET_NAME of string

The name of the character set to use as the default character set.


The name of the shared-memory object for communication to the server on Windows, if the server supports shared-memory connections


Return the number of found (matched) rows, not the number of changed rows.

val init : unit -> unit

Initialize library (in particular initializes default character set for escape NB it is recommended to always use real_escape) NB init is called automatically when db handle is created

val connect : ?⁠options:db_option list -> db -> dbd

connect ?options db connects to the database db and returns a handle for further use

parameter options

connection specific options, default empty list

val quick_connect : ?⁠options:db_option list -> ?⁠host:string -> ?⁠database:string -> ?⁠port:int -> ?⁠password:string -> ?⁠user:string -> ?⁠socket:string -> unit -> dbd

Shortcut for connecting to a database with mostly default field values

Altering a connection

val set_charset : dbd -> string -> unit

set_charset dbd charset sets the current character set for dbd (aka SET NAMES). It is strongly recommended to set the charset explicitly after connecting to database, using this function. Available character sets are stored in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS table (SHOW CHARACTER SET).

val change_user : dbd -> db -> unit

change_user dbd db tries to change the current user and database. The host and port fields of db are ignored.

val quick_change : ?⁠user:string -> ?⁠password:string -> ?⁠database:string -> dbd -> unit

Another shortcut

val select_db : dbd -> string -> unit

select_db switches to a new db, using the current user and password.

val disconnect : dbd -> unit

disconnect dbd releases a database connection dbd. The handle dbd becomes invalid

val ping : dbd -> unit

ping dbd makes sure the connection to the server is up, and re-establishes it if needed.

Information about a connection

val list_dbs : dbd -> ?⁠pat:string -> unit -> string array option

list_db Return a list of all visible databases on the current server

val client_info : unit -> string

Return the MySQL client library version

val host_info : dbd -> string

Return information about the server connection

val server_info : dbd -> string

Return the MySQL server version

val proto_info : dbd -> int

Return the protocol version being used


exception Error of string

When most of the API functions fail, they raise this exception with a description of the failure.

type error_code =
| Aborting_connection
| Access_denied_error
| Alter_info
| Bad_db_error
| Bad_field_error
| Bad_host_error
| Bad_null_error
| Bad_table_error
| Blob_cant_have_default
| Blob_key_without_length
| Blob_used_as_key
| Blobs_and_no_terminated
| Cant_create_db
| Cant_create_file
| Cant_create_table
| Cant_create_thread
| Cant_delete_file
| Cant_drop_field_or_key
| Cant_find_dl_entry
| Cant_find_system_rec
| Cant_find_udf
| Cant_get_stat
| Cant_get_wd
| Cant_initialize_udf
| Cant_lock
| Cant_open_file
| Cant_open_library
| Cant_read_charset
| Cant_read_dir
| Cant_remove_all_fields
| Cant_reopen_table
| Cant_set_wd
| Checkread
| Columnaccess_denied_error
| Commands_out_of_sync
| Con_count_error
| Conn_host_error
| Connection_error
| Db_create_exists
| Db_drop_delete
| Db_drop_exists
| Db_drop_rmdir
| Dbaccess_denied_error
| Delayed_cant_change_lock
| Delayed_insert_table_locked
| Disk_full
| Dup_entry
| Dup_fieldname
| Dup_key
| Dup_keyname
| Dup_unique
| Empty_query
| Error_on_close
| Error_on_read
| Error_on_rename
| Error_on_write
| Field_specified_twice
| File_exists_error
| File_not_found
| File_used
| Filsort_abort
| Forcing_close
| Form_not_found
| Function_not_defined
| Get_errno
| Got_signal
| Grant_wrong_host_or_user
| Handshake_error
| Hashchk
| Host_is_blocked
| Host_not_privileged
| Illegal_grant_for_table
| Illegal_ha
| Insert_info
| Insert_table_used
| Invalid_default
| Invalid_group_func_use
| Invalid_use_of_null
| Ipsock_error
| Key_column_does_not_exits
| Key_not_found
| Kill_denied_error
| Load_info
| Localhost_connection
| Mix_of_group_func_and_fields
| Multiple_pri_key
| Namedpipe_connection
| Namedpipeopen_error
| Namedpipesetstate_error
| Namedpipewait_error
| Net_error_on_write
| Net_fcntl_error
| Net_packet_too_large
| Net_packets_out_of_order
| Net_read_error
| Net_read_error_from_pipe
| Net_read_interrupted
| Net_uncompress_error
| Net_write_interrupted
| Nisamchk
| No
| No_db_error
| No_raid_compiled
| No_such_index
| No_such_table
| No_such_thread
| No_tables_used
| No_unique_logfile
| Non_uniq_error
| Nonexisting_grant
| Nonexisting_table_grant
| Nonuniq_table
| Normal_shutdown
| Not_allowed_command
| Not_form_file
| Not_keyfile
| Null_column_in_index
| Old_keyfile
| Open_as_readonly
| Out_of_memory
| Out_of_resources
| Out_of_sortmemory
| Outofmemory
| Parse_error
| Password_anonymous_user
| Password_no_match
| Password_not_allowed
| Primary_cant_have_null
| Ready
| Record_file_full
| Regexp_error
| Requires_primary_key
| Server_gone_error
| Server_handshake_err
| Server_lost
| Server_shutdown
| Shutdown_complete
| Socket_create_error
| Stack_overrun
| Syntax_error
| Table_cant_handle_auto_increment
| Table_cant_handle_blob
| Table_exists_error
| Table_must_have_columns
| Table_not_locked
| Table_not_locked_for_write
| Tableaccess_denied_error
| Tcp_connection
| Textfile_not_readable
| Too_big_fieldlength
| Too_big_rowsize
| Too_big_select
| Too_big_set
| Too_long_ident
| Too_long_key
| Too_long_string
| Too_many_delayed_threads
| Too_many_fields
| Too_many_key_parts
| Too_many_keys
| Too_many_rows
| Too_many_tables
| Udf_exists
| Udf_no_paths
| Unexpected_eof
| Unknown_character_set
| Unknown_com_error
| Unknown_error
| Unknown_host
| Unknown_procedure
| Unknown_table
| Unsupported_extension
| Update_info
| Update_without_key_in_safe_mode
| Version_error
| Wrong_auto_key
| Wrong_column_name
| Wrong_db_name
| Wrong_field_spec
| Wrong_field_terminators
| Wrong_field_with_group
| Wrong_group_field
| Wrong_host_info
| Wrong_key_column
| Wrong_mrg_table
| Wrong_outer_join
| Wrong_paramcount_to_procedure
| Wrong_parameters_to_procedure
| Wrong_sub_key
| Wrong_sum_select
| Wrong_table_name
| Wrong_value_count
| Wrong_value_count_on_row
| Yes

Possible error codes from a failed operation that doesn't throw an exception

type status =
| StatusOK

The query was successful

| StatusEmpty

The query was successful, but found no results

| StatusError of error_code

There was some problem with the query

The status of a query

val status : dbd -> status

status dbd returns the status of the last action on dbd

val errno : dbd -> error_code

errno dbd returns the error_code for the last action on dbd. Useful when you know there's an error, to avoid an extra layer of matching in status

val errmsg : dbd -> string option

errmsg dbd returns an error message in case the last operation on dbd failed


Making a query

type result

handle to access the result of a query

val exec : dbd -> string -> result

exec dbd str executes a SQL statement and returns a handle to obtain the result. Check status for errors!

Getting the results of a query

val fetch : result -> string option array option

fetch result returns the next row from a result as Some a or None in case there is no next result. The array a contains the values from the current row, where NULL values are denoted by None. Use column to fetch single values by field name instead of by position

val to_row : result -> int64 -> unit

to_row result row sets the current row.

raises Invalid_argument

if the row is out of range.

val size : result -> int64

size result returns the size of the actual result set (number of rows)

val iter : result -> f:(string option array -> unit) -> unit
val iter_col : result -> key:string -> f:(string option -> unit) -> unit
val iter_cols : result -> key:string array -> f:(string option array -> unit) -> unit
val map : result -> f:(string option array -> 'a) -> 'a list
val map_col : result -> key:string -> f:(string option -> 'a) -> 'a list
val map_cols : result -> key:string array -> f:(string option array -> 'a) -> 'a list
val column : result -> key:string -> row:string option array -> string option

Returns one field of a result row based on column name.

Metainformation about a result set

type dbty =
| IntTy
| FloatTy
| StringTy
| SetTy
| EnumTy
| DateTimeTy
| DateTy
| TimeTy
| YearTy
| TimeStampTy
| UnknownTy
| Int64Ty
| BlobTy
| DecimalTy

The type of a database field. Each of these represents one or more MySQL data types.

type field = {
name : string;

Name of the field

table : string option;

Table name, or None if a constructed field

def : string option;

Default value of the field

ty : dbty;

The type of data stored in the field

max_length : int;

Maximum width of field for the result set

flags : int;

Flags set

decimals : int;

Number of decimals for numeric fields


The type that describes a field of a table or result

val pretty_type : dbty -> string

Turn a field-type type into a string for printing

val affected : dbd -> int64

affected result returns the number of rows changed by the last UPDATE, or deleted by the last DELETE, or added by the last INSERT, or the number of rows returned by the last SELECT

val insert_id : dbd -> int64

insert_id result returns the ID generated by the last INSERT query in a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column. See the MySQL documentation for caveats.

val fields : result -> int

fields result returns the number of fields in a row

val names : result -> string array

names result returns an array of the field names for the current result

val types : result -> dbty array

types result returns an array with the MySQL types of the current result

val fetch_field : result -> field option

Returns the information on the next field

val fetch_fields : result -> field array option

Returns information on all the fields

val fetch_field_dir : result -> int -> field option

Returns information on a specific field, with the first field numbered 0

Working with MySQL data types

val escape : string -> string

escape str returns the same string as str in MySQL syntax with special characters quoted to not confuse the MySQL parser.


This function poses a security risk (doesn't take into consideration the character set of the current connection and may allow SQL injection pass through). Use real_escape instead.

val real_escape : dbd -> string -> string

real_escape dbd str returns str encoded to an escaped SQL string according to the current character set of dbd

val int2ml : string -> int

Use for all MySQL signed integer types but BIGINT

val decimal2ml : string -> string
val int322ml : string -> int32
val nativeint2ml : string -> nativeint
val int642ml : string -> int64
val float2ml : string -> float

Use for MySQL FLOAT, DOUBLE and REAL types

val str2ml : string -> string

Use for MySQL CHAR and VARCHAR types

val enum2ml : string -> string
val blob2ml : string -> string

Use for all MySQL BLOB and TEXT types

val set2ml : string -> string list
val datetime2ml : string -> int * int * int * int * int * int
val date2ml : string -> int * int * int
val time2ml : string -> int * int * int
val year2ml : string -> int
val timestamp2ml : string -> int * int * int * int * int * int
val opt : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option

opt f v applies f to optional value v. Use this to fetch data of known type from database fields which might be NULL: opt int2ml str

val not_null : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b

not_null f v applies f to Some v. Use this to fetch data of known type from database fields which never can be NULL: not_null int2ml str

val ml2str : string -> string

This function uses escape which poses a security risk. Use ml2rstr instead.

val ml2rstr : dbd -> string -> string
val ml2blob : string -> string

This function uses escape which poses a security risk. Use ml2rblob instead.

val ml2rblob : dbd -> string -> string
val ml2int : int -> string
val ml2decimal : string -> string
val ml322int : int32 -> string
val ml642int : int64 -> string
val mlnative2int : nativeint -> string
val ml2float : float -> string
val ml2enum : string -> string
val ml2renum : dbd -> string -> string
val ml2set : string list -> string
val ml2rset : dbd -> string list -> string
val ml2datetime : (int * int * int * int * int * int) -> string
val ml2datetimel : year:int -> month:int -> day:int -> hour:int -> min:int -> sec:int -> string
val ml2date : (int * int * int) -> string
val ml2datel : year:int -> month:int -> day:int -> string
val ml2time : (int * int * int) -> string
val ml2timel : hour:int -> min:int -> sec:int -> string
val ml2year : int -> string
val ml2timestamp : (int * int * int * int * int * int) -> string
val ml2timestampl : year:int -> month:int -> day:int -> hour:int -> min:int -> sec:int -> string
val values : string list -> string

values vs takes a list of strings and returns a string "(a,b,c ..)" where values are separated by comma and the whole list is enclosed into parentheses. This is useful to construct SQL `insert ... values ( .. )' statements

Prepared statements

module Prepared : sig ... end

Prepared statements with parameters. Consult the MySQL manual for detailed description and possible problems.